700 $
- 3 hours coverage
- 150+ images
- concept and timing development
- Author’s photo processing, retouching
- Consultation in preparation for shooting
- Private access to photos on a cloud drive
1200 $
- 6 hours coverage
- 300+ images
- Consultation in preparation for shooting
- concept and timing development
- Author’s photo processing, retouching
- Private access to photos on a cloud drive
All you need
1600 $
- 8 hours coverage
- Consultation in preparation for shooting
- concept and timing development
- 400+ images
- Author’s photo processing, retouching
- Private access to photos on a cloud drive
2000 $
- 8 hours coverage
- 2 hours of shooting day before or after the main event
- Consultation in preparation for shooting
- 500+ images
- Author’s photo processing, retouching
- Private access to photos on a cloud drive